"You'll always win
if you focus
on the good"


May 13, 2022


May 13, 2022

German marathon champion and member of the PUMA family Hendrik Pfeiffer has a concrete goal for this year: winning the European Championships in Germany! With CATch Up he talked about his training tips, his favorite PUMA running shoe and the importance of having the right mindset in professional sport.

We are happy you are part of the PUMA family, Hendrik. Why did you decide to come to PUMA?

Hendrik: Sport has always played a big role in my life and when PUMA and I started partnering, I immediately felt the connection between the brand, its values and me. I also think that it is not very common that the CEO of such a big sports brand writes you a personal message to congratulate on your success. I really felt welcomed and supported from all at PUMA since day one. I really appreciate that!


When and how did you find out that running is your thing? 

Hendrik: First I started playing football at a very young age. I started running in my free time to improve my endurance on pitch but then I realised that I liked running more than football. I became super ambitious about running and improving my time and pace. In running I always consider myself as my biggest competitor. I always set my current best time as my next goal to beat.


Do you have a favorite PUMA running shoe?
Hendrik: I have to say that I really love all PUMA shoes I have run in, but the PUMA Fast R Elite is something very special. The shoe looks super stylish and it is also light and robust. This is the perfect combination for running long distances.


How do you train before a marathon?
Hendrik: I start practicing 12-13 weeks before the marathon takes place. It depends whether I am preparing for a longer or shorter distance, but in general I can say that I run two times a day and reach about 200km a week. Not only my body must be prepared well, having the right mindset is also very important. I really dive deep into my train mode and focus on my persistence, my nutrition and also how I can become bette with each training session.


What advice would you give young runners ?
Hendrik: The best advice I could give is: have patience! Running is about condition, passion and working on yourself every day. There will come obstacles along your way, but you’ll always win if you focus on the good! I started running 800m and then increased my distance step by step. It is all really about working on yourself everyday and getting to know you and your mind and body better.

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