“We decided to create some content around it because it’s such a great story—one of the first...
Cardiac/ respiratory Endurance Least affected by gains in strength, but still taxed enough for small changes.
Stamina If a runner has a more powerful stride, they can go further with the same amount of effort or simply run the same distance faster.
Strength This is kind of obvious. Gain strength and you get stronger.
Flexibility If deficient, a full range of motion strength program will increase flexibility.
Power Power is strength displayed fast. Strength gains will increase power output.
Speed Force production goes up with increased strength. More force to the ground means more speed.
Coordination The better your ability to recruit muscle, the better your ability to control the muscle.
Agility Reducing the time from one movement to another is improved by greater force production.
Balance Keeping center of mass over your base is partially due to an ability to produce force.
Accuracy Strength gains improve the ability to control movement in a specific direction.
targets the tapered waistline (obliques)
∂ Stand facing sideways to the anchor point with your shoulder in line with the anchor point
∂ Grasp the single TRX handle with an overlapping grip
∂ Brace your torso by contracting your core as well as your abdominal muscles
∂ Rotate your body (excentric phase of the movement) by driving your hands to one side (towards the anchor point), while keeping your arms straight throughout
∂ Return to starting position (concentric phase of the movement)
∂ Six repititions for each side.
targets your back (latisimus dorsi) and improves your core strength
∂ Keep both feet firmly on the floor
∂ Stand facing the anchor point, holding the TRX handle in one hand
∂ Brace your torso by contracting your core as well as your abdominal muscles
∂ Pull your shoulder blades down and back
∂ Pull yourself up until your elbow passes your ribcage
∂ Then slowly straighten your elbow and return to starting position
∂ Do not allow your torso to rotate throughout the movement
∂ Six to eight reps for each side.
targets your shoulders
∂ Keep both feet firmly on the floor
∂ Stand facing the anchor point
∂ Lean back with your arms straight and palms facing the floor
∂ Walk forward to the desired incline
∂ As you raise one arm overhead, you simultaneously push down the other arm until you reach the standing position
∂ Return to the starting position and switch arms/ sides
∂ Six to eight reps for each side.
targets your chest, arms and belly
∂ Place both feet toes first into foot cradles
∂ Keep feet shoulder-width apart
∂ Remain in a push-up position
∂ Don’t let your hips sag
∂ Perform a push up, holding your feet apart
∂ Bring knees towards elbows in a crunch motion
∂ Return to starting position
∂ Repeat six times.
targets your chest, arms and belly and improves your core strength
∂ Plank position with your hands on the floor
∂ Place one foot in the foot cradles
∂ Drive the free leg with the knee towards the elbow while simultaneously lowering your chest to the floor
∂ transfer more body weight onto heels and allow tailbone to drop back and towards the floor
∂ Extend arms as you push yourself up, returning your leg to starting position
∂ Repeat six times for each side.
targets your thighs and butt (glutes)
∂ Place both feet in between hip and shoulderwidth apart on the floor
∂ Start with your elbows bent by your side
∂ Push your hip back as you descend into squat
∂ As you descend, extend your arms and use the TRX straps for as much support as needed
∂ At the bottom of the motion, press back both feet to return to starting position
∂ Ten repetitions.
targets your thighs and butt (glutes)
∂ Place one foot on the ground and hold onto the TRX handles
∂ Start with your elbows bent by your side and one leg raised straight out in front of you
∂ Push your hip back as you descend into a squat
∂ As you descend, extend your arms and use the TRX straps for as much support as needed
∂ At the bottom of the motion, press through your foot on the floor to return to the starting point
∂ Repeat six times.
targets shoulder and core strength
∂ Keep both feet planted on the floor
∂ Stand facing away from the anchor point
∂ Stand holding both TRX handles out in front of your body
∂ With control of the movement raise your arms, so that your hands are extended above your head, while leaning forward at the desired incline
∂ Pause for a moment and then return to that starting position
∂ Six repititions.
targets your core and your waistline (obliques)
∂ Place bottom foot halfway into foot cradle
∂ Roll onto the side, supporting your weight on the forearm
∂ Hold side plank, then lower your hip to the floor and come back up to the starting position
∂ Repeat on other side
∂ Six repetitions on each side.