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Interview with PUMA Designers Daniel Taylor and David McKenzie
June 28, 2021Interview with PUMA Designers Daniel Taylor and David McKenzie
June 28, 2021They are creative, ambitious and the brains behind many successful PUMA products & teams. In a talk with PUMA designers David McKenzie & Danny Taylor, they tell us about their first steps into creating, their personal bond with PUMA and what it takes to be a good designer.
How did you find out that design is the right thing for you?
David: As a kid I spend hours drawing and building things. It wasn’t until colleagues introduced me to the breadth of disciplines design has to offer. I was lucky enough to experience everything from fashion, clay, metal work, graphics and everything in-between. This really confirmed my interest in design, especially how products can influence people and visa versa.
Daniel: For me design as a career was a natural progression from interests I had since I was a child. I was pretty much only interested in art or music growing up. Later on, I went on to study sculpture, then took a degree in Product and Car Design. Eventually after developing an interest in fashion as a career path, I found sneaker design was a way I could blend all my interests together.
How were your first steps at PUMA?
David: I started in London, designing with the Global Accessories team. It was this blending of of design languages, fluid timelines and cross Business Unit cooperation that really set the foundation for problem solving through design. We were a relatively small team at the time, so it was very hands on with a big enterpreneurial approach. I like to think this is still with me today, sometimes you have to roll your sleeves up and get things done as a team … and have fun doing it.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
David: I get inspired by my kids, sport and by working in a team. My kids have an unfiltered view of the world, so they naturally perceive things differently, which can be fun to experience. Cycling is the main sport I do. The simple idea that all you have to do is keep moving forward no matter the speed is a good philosophy in general.
I get inspired by my kids. They have an unfiltered view of the world, so they naturally perceive things differently, which can be fun to experience.
How would you describe your connection to PUMA ?
Daniel: It’s an exciting time to be here as a designer. There are so many more opportunities now to grow within PUMA for people. I think the reach and voice you can have as a creative within the company is unique to PUMA. There is a culture of creativity and openness among designers growing now which I feel is going to have a substantial impact on our products going forward.
How do you and your team manage the current difficulties working across different time zones, facing logistical challenges with digital tools and working remotely?
Daniel: It’s been impressive to see just how efficient people can be with remote working. It allowed us to explore new tools, for example team product creation using Virtual Reality showed us we can design in a 3D virtual environment collectively regardless of the location.
What would you say does it take to become a good designer?
Daniel: Designers need a sense of openness to change, be it trends, cultural shifts or self-improvement. You have to be willing to invest in your own skills and unique point of view, as most of what you learn will come from a process of trial and error over time.
David: Brutal self-honesty and a willingness for continuous learning. You have to be able to ask yourself the hard questions to stop justifying your decisions to yourself. The world is always changing, you have to adapt to it to stay relevant.
I think the reach and voice you can have as a creative within the company is unique to PUMA, and there is a culture of creativity and openness amongst designers growing now which I feel is going to have a substantial impact on our product going forward.